Healthy, Sugar-free Chocolate Bark Recipe
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Healthy, Sugar-free Chocolate Bark Recipe

Calling all chocoholics! You need this decadent chocolate bark in your life! Bookmark this guiltless, sugar-free recipe, a nutritious, homemade chocolate that tastes as good as store-bought - only better because it is packed with oh-so-good-for-you ingredients. Mixers ready? Let's start making this healthy, chocolate recipe...

Healthy, Sugar-free Chocolate Bark Recipe | Eat Nourish Glow
Healthy, Sugar-free Chocolate Bark Recipe | Eat Nourish Glow

Mmmmm, that hit of chocolate mid-afternoon, there's nothing else like it! It's so satisfying, and that is mainly because chocolate is usually high in sugar and fat. The fat gives you that smooth, mouthwatering taste as the chocolate melts in your mouth, which might be partly why you find it so pleasurable. Chocolate also contains sugar, which triggers your sweet taste receptors, provides as boost of energy, and adds to the overall pleasurable experience.

While this all seems warm and lovely, many chocolate bars are made with a slue of not so good stuff - the artificial flavours, excess sugars and preservatives. So, today I am going to teach you how to make your own healthy chocolate that is full of superfoods and actually good for you!

What Makes This Recipe Healthy?

We can all agree that chocolate is a delectable treat, but it has no real nutritional value in a healthy diet - that is, unless you make your own. Yes, that's right; you might be delighted to learn you don't have to give it up entirely to eat clean and healthier. Depending on how its made and the ingredients used, chocolate can offer some surprising health benefits, and can have a place in an otherwise well-balanced diet. Here's why my chocolate recipe is a super healthy alternative for you:

  • wholefood-based: real food ingredients that provide many health benefits (see below)

  • dairy-free, refined sugar-free, vegan, and paleo-friendly: so it works for a variety of diets

  • easy to make: only a few, wholefood ingredients and minimal steps are involved

  • adaptable: uses natural flavours such as healthy mix-ins like nuts, seeds, or dried fruits

  • healthier: raw cacao is a more nutritious than confectionary chocolate

  • guiltless: by making it sugar-free, you can enjoy it totally guilt-free

Making a simple homemade version, like my healthy, sugar-free chocolate recipe, will provide you with a healthy alternative to sugary, store-bought varieties. Once you make this chocolate bark, I promise you won't look back. However, moderation is still key. Chocolate, even homemade, can still be high in calories and fat. Consider it a treat, but one that you can feel good about consuming!

Key Ingredients Used

Making Healthy, Homemade Chocolate | Eat Nourish Glow
Making Healthy, Homemade Chocolate | Eat Nourish Glow

What I love about making my own healthy chocolate bark, is that you can control the ingredients and create a fabulous alternative to unhealthy, store-bought bars with heaps less sugar, and absolutely no preservatives or additives. The recipe I have shared below provides many nutrients, such as a heaping serving of essential magnesium, flavodilols, and antioxidants all bundled with a kick of natural sweetness from the stevia. Here's several reason why my raw cacao-based chocolate recipe is so good for you:

Raw Cacao Power

  • mood & PMS relief: raw cacao provides high levels of magnesium, which can help regulate hormones and reduce symptoms of PMS like cramps, mood swings, and anxiety

  • stress reduction: contains compounds that promote the production of feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin, potentially lowering stress levels naturally

  • improved energy:  source of iron, which can combat fatigue often experienced during menstruation due to iron loss, and in women in general

  • skin health:  antioxidant properties that help protect the skin from damage and contribute to a healthy glow; yes eating raw cacao is anti-ageing

Coconut oil

  • densely nutritious: coconut oil, unlike other common oils used in chocolate such as palm oil, is rich with nutrients

  • appetite control: coconut oil can help increase feelings of fullness due to a type of fat it contains (MCTs) that gets metabolised differently

Nuts & Seeds

  • healthy fats: both nuts and seeds provide forms of healthy fats, dietary fibre, protein and trace minerals needed for good health; this balance helps make a satisfying snack or treat

  • dietary fibre: fibre is the indigestible part of plant foods which takes time to digest, even in small nut sand seeds, helping to reduce the impact of sugar and other sweeteners

Stevia & Alternatives

  • stevia sweetener: is a plant from the mint family that tastes 10x sweeter than sugar but has no effect on blood sugar levels; an excellent sweeter for diabetics, those with insulin issues or who are watching there body weight

  • alternative sweeteners: other sweeteners that have little effect on blood sugar levels are erythritol and xylitol, two alcohol-based sugars that can be used in moderation to sweeten foods

Now if all of this isn't enough to excite you to try the recipe, how's about the fact my recipe is 100% sugar-free.! This means you can truly enjoy chocolate without the sugar spike or hangover!

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Healthy, Sugar-free Chocolate Bark Variations

This healthy, sugar-free recipes is very versatile and can be flavoured in any number of ways to many other healthy and wholefood ingredients such as:

  • dried or fresh fruit: dates are a good source of iron and other dried fruits provide additional nutrients; try blueberries, cranberries, dates, mandarin orange, strawberries or raspberries.

  • mix in wholegrains: add to the fibre content and hep control blood sugar levels with high fibre grains such as puffed brown rice, quinoa puffs, or other wholegrains.

  • nuts and seeds: add crunch and nutrients with chia, flax, pumpkin and sunflower seeds or nutrient-dense nuts choices such as almond, cashew, pecans, and walnuts.

  • swap chocolate for yoghurt: bonus, make this same recipe by swapping out the oil and chocolate for plain, unsweetened Greek yoghurt. Add a scoop of sugar-free protein powder for an equally delicious dessert or treat.

If you're interested in incorporating raw cacao into your diet, consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Batch Cook & Meal Prep

Yes, you can easily batch cook chocolate bark. Double or triple the recipe to make several batches and flavour them with different toppings. They'll keep exceptionally well in the freezer if stored in a tightly sealed container, or last a few weeks in the fridge. Due to the oil content, however, the chocolate can soften in warmer temps, so keep chilled at all times until serving.

Healthy, Sugar-free Chocolate Bark Recipe

Sugar-free Healthy Chocolate Bark Recipe | Eat Nourish Glow
Sugar-free Healthy Chocolate Bark Recipe | Eat Nourish Glow

The secret ingredient to making this healthy, sugar-free recipe is the coconut oil; it naturally solidifies in cooler temperatures, acting as a nutritious binder to create a stable, solid chocolate bark.


  • 1 cup sugar-free dark chocolate chips (dairy-free if needed)

  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil, organic

  • 3 tbsp raw or toasted almonds, skin on

  • 3 tbsp pistachios nuts

  • 2 tbsp macadamia nuts

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract, pure

  • 1 pinch rock or sea salt (optional)

If you are diabetic, on a sugar-free diet like myself, or just wish to enjoy a superfood option that is rich in magnesium, try this version:

Raw Cacao Option:

  • 1 cup melted coconut oil, organic

  • 3 tbsp raw cacao powder, organic

  • 1 tsp Dutch cinnamon, ground

  • 1-2 tsp stevia (if you want extra sweetness)

In a bowl, add and whisk all the ingredients while the chocolate and oil is still melted. If using the Raw Cacao Option, taste-test for sweetness as cacao powder can be quite bitter; adjust the stevia as needed. Pour the mixture into a lined baking tray and scatter the nuts evenly over the top. Pop in the fridge or freezer for 1 hour to set. To serve, simply break off bite-sized pieces to enjoy.

WARNING: just because this recipe is healthy, doesn't mean you can go crazy on serving portions. One or two bite-sized pieces is a proper portion, although I will warn you, this recipe it so good it may be a struggle just to stick to only small piece!

One Last Thing, Before You Go...

If you really enjoy sugar-free recipes... stick around with a cup of peppermint tea and browse this blog for more sugar-free nutrition and healthy eating guides, or come join my Sugar Free Life program. You'll receive a Nutritionist's support to detox from sugar and feast from a meal plan of delicious sugar-free recipes. Learn how to finally ditch sugar and eat healthier for life. Come join us today, click here.

Emma Lisa, Nutritionist & Women's Practitioner

Emma Lisa, Nutritionist at Eat Nourish Glow

Emma Lisa is a Nutritionist & Women's Health Practitioner with over 12+ years experience in wholefood nutrition, meal planning and health coaching. She is a published cookbook author, passionate food recipe creator and lifestyle blogger, and an advocate for women's health and anti-diet culture. When she's not in clinic, Emma is mum to five kids, in her test kitchen and a wellness digital creator. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
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Healthy + happiness,

Emma Lisa xx

IICT Member, International Institute for Complimentary Therapists

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