Today, I shared a little weight loss advice on my Instagram about better weight management through simple meal planning and prep emphasising on meals made from wholefoods rather than restrictions and deprivation. I believe that in 2024, a more body positive approach towards food and weight loss dieting is the way to achieve your ideal body. A focus, no longer on counting calories, cutting carbs, and deprivation, but rather instead, the emphasis being put on nourishing yourself, making healthier choices, and showing love for your body by being more selective and mindful about what you consume. Ready to learn how? Grab a herbal tea and let me explain how to approach this...

Is Meal Prepping Good For Weight Loss?
When I work with clients, I coach them on how to do things differently in the kitchen with their meal prep and planning that will improve their weight loss results. This makes going more wholefood-based super easy. In clinic, we literally let go of the struggle of measuring macros, counting carbs and calories and stressing over ever little morsel and focus more on what nourishes, heals and build the body and health they desire....and its easier than you think.
Meal prep is a wonderful way to help tame, adjust your eating habits, and be more organised so you can (and will) stick to your weight loss goals. The small amount of time and effort made preparing healthy meals and snacks ahead of time, is well worth the effort so you can easily nourish on foods that support your journey. Here's my simple tips for making meal prep and weight loss a snap.
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Meal Prep Tips To Simplify Weight Loss
Shift Your Focus To High-Fibre Foods & Lose Weight
A first place to start meal prep and planning for weight loss, is by learn how to structure each meal based on the protein and dietary fibre, not the calorie count—you can throw that outdated strategy out with the bin. Fibre is your absolute best friend when it comes to long term weight loss. Start by consuming 30-50g of dietary fibre per day—its easier than you think to do. No measuring required. Simple just focus on high-fibre foods from wholefood sources at every meal and snack. Here's a few helpful tips:
swap out any and all processed white bread for sprouted, wholegrain options.
use quinoa, spelt, wholegrain or brown rice instead of white rice or pasta.
add high fibre greens to sauces, casseroles, muffins, or smoothies.
read nutrition labels looking for high a fibre count (at least 6g or more per serving).
build your meals around a high-fibre base and add in the other goodness from there.
Upping your fibre will have a huge impact on your overall health. It also helps to naturally reduce your appetite if you are overeater or snacker, and will keep you feel way fuller for longer. Over time, these little changes can add up and contribute to lasting weight loss.
Drink More Water For Appetite Control
If you are anywhere in my digital wellness space, this health habits is nothing new. I am a huge advocate for water consumption and keeping hydrated for so many reasons. When you up your fibre intake (as suggested above), it is incredibly important to also provide your body with adequate water to help move the fibre through your digestive system and avoid constipation.
Water is an essential nutrient, and I'll be honest, it is so overlooked when it comes to people on a weight loss journey. Increasing your intake to 3 litres per day will has many positive effects on your gut health, hair and skin, mood and energy, in addition to improving your weight loss efforts. Best of all, its 100% free and easy as turning on the tap. Sip on a 500ml glass every 1-2 hours to help naturally reduce the appetite and ward off excess snacking. A steady drip all day is the way to go (never chug large amounts).
Save Time, Money & Lose Weight Simultaneously
Meal prep and planning can save you both time and money while supporting your weight loss efforts. The time-saving reward of taking time to meal prep means you'll always have healthy food items on hand, and be less likely to make poor choices, especially when in a rush or stressed out. It is also a great budget-friendly way to go about your weight loss goals. In fact it's two-fold; weight loss on a budget helps you prepare healthier meals and thoughtfully portion them out. And in doing this, you'll save valuable time, and avoid those unhealthy impulse buys, ultimately furthering your weight loss journey.
Choose What Nourishes You & Lose Weight
Lastly, to simplify weight loss, focus every meal or snack on foods that are densely nutritious, and that deeply nourish you. We all have a general understanding of what foods are good for us and which are not, are you making choices that are moving you forward towards your goals or away from them? Become mindful of what you are consuming and ask yourself, "...does this nourish me and further my goals, or is it a quick fix to fill an emotional void or boredom?"
Meal prep and planning can be such a valuable tool for weight loss, helping you strike a balance and shed those unwanted kilos the safe, healthy way. Embrace the convenience, cost-effectiveness, and health benefits of meal prep, and you'll be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals.
Nutritionist's Note
If you'd like to learn more about micro meal prep and enjoy free recipe ideas, then come and join my Facebook Community where I share heaps of healthy, wholefood recipes and nutritional advice every week. This topic is something I regularly teach in clinic and on Zoom workshops. See my events page for the next masterclass on this topic or drop a comment below for me to answer your personal questions.
Emma Lisa, Nutritionist & Women's Practitioner

Emma Lisa is a Nutritionist & Women's Health Practitioner with over 14+ years experience in wholefood nutrition, meal planning and health coaching. She is a published cookbook author, passionate food recipe creator and lifestyle blogger, and an advocate for women's health and anti-diet culture. When she's not in clinic, Emma is mum to five kids, cooking in her test kitchen and a wellness digital creator. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
Healthy + happiness,
Emma Lisa xx

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