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Writer's pictureEmma Lisa

Chia Pudding & Vanilla Bliss Smoothie Layered Breakfast Pot

Chia pudding is ridiculously easy to make and an ideal choice for those busy mornings where you just want to grab something nutritious and go. Here's how I make it followed by my layered breakfast pot using both a simple smoothie and chia pudding in one super tasty meal!

The Strawberry Maca Frothy Smoothie From The Eat Nourish Glow Kitchen
CHIA SEED PUDING: Chia Pudding & Vanilla Bliss Smoothie Layered Breakfast Pot by Eat Nourish Glow

The awesome thing about chia seed pudding is that the recipe is so versatile and lends itself to a variety of diets, tastes and culinary creativity. You can make it with nearly any milk including vegan and homemade types such as cashew, almond, or coconut.

Since the pudding itself is quite bland without flavourings or sweetener, this simple recipe works as the perfect wholefood base for chia pudding breakfast or dessert recipes. The flavour of homemade puree, compote and fresh fruits, raw sweeteners and even superfood powders works well to flavour the jelly-like seeds. You can even blend the basic chia pudding into a super creamy texture if you are not a fan of the jelly-like seeds in puddings. To get you started here is my basic chia recipe. Adapt it as you see fit...

Basic Chia Seed Pudding Recipe


  • 3 tablespoons chai seeds, white or black

  • 250ml plantbased or dairy milk

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/2 tsp Dutch cinnamon, ground

  • 1-2 tsp raw honey or maple syrup (optional)


Add all the ingredients into a 300ml mason jar. Whisk well to ensure the chis seeds do not clump (can be impossible to separate otherwise). Add the lid and store in fridge overnight (or for 2 hours) to set. In the morning top with a blob of your favourite yoghurt, fresh berries, a spoonful of wholegrain granola plus nuts and seeds. Delicious!

Vanilla Bliss Breakfast Smoothie


  • 250ml milk (I use coconut milk)

  • 1/4 cup cooked rice or cauliflower, cooled

  • 1-2 scoop of Vanilla protein powder

  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp maple syrup or 2 drops stevia


Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender and serve in a mason jar in between layers of chia pudding and fruit. Top with your favourite crunchy granola topping.

How To Make A Layered Breakfast Pot

Chia Pudding & Vanilla Smoothie Layered Chia Smoothie Pot
HOW TO MAKE IT: Chia Pudding & Vanilla Bliss Smoothie Layered Breakfast Pot

For something a little different, I love mixing smoothies with chia pudding to make a super filling, high fibre and high protein meal to fuel my day. It honestly tastes more like a dessert, and is super filling when served as a breakfast.

How To Make It

After you have made both of the recipes above, simply add a little of the chia seed pudding to bottom of small dessert glass or 300ml mason jar. A few spoonful's of each recipe is all you need. Add a few scoops of the smoothie on top of the chia pudding, and continue to layer in each recipe to fill the entire jar. You can serve this with any crunchy topping you like, or fresh berries and fruit.

Emma Lisa, Nutritionist & Women's Practitioner

Emma Lisa, Nutritionist at Eat Nourish Glow

Emma Lisa is a Nutritionist & Women's Health Practitioner with over 14+ years experience in wholefood nutrition, meal planning and health coaching. She is a published cookbook author, passionate food recipe creator and lifestyle blogger, and an advocate for women's health and anti-diet culture. When she's not in clinic, Emma is mum to five kids, cooking in her test kitchen and a wellness digital creator. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
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Healthy + happiness,

Emma Lisa xx

IICT Member, International Institute for Complimentary Therapists

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Dec 14, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Loved making this recipe and it was easier than I thought it might be as well. Thank you for sharing it Emma 😘


Nov 29, 2021

This looks so good!!

Emma Lisa
Emma Lisa
Oct 31, 2022
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Thank you, so glad you liked it...stay tuned for more!

Health + happiness,

Emma x

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G'day, I'm Emma Lisa

PSSST, my mission? To support as many women and mothers as I can to take back control of their health! I am lit up teaching simple steps to a well-balanced diet and Life that you can absolutely say you love!


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